Halal Audit is a standardized, autonomous, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it equitably to regulate the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled. It requires competence and on-site and follow-up audits.
A compliance audit is conducted by means of an independent,
impartial, and objective audit to ascertain full compliance with the Halal Certificate and Halal Label. Halal Lead Auditors are appointed as inspectors to determine whether the Halal procedures and requirements are compiled to ensure the foods produced are Halal.
Halal audit is an activity which is performed by a person which is
technically competent in auditing Halal procedures and requirements in a particular food processing technology or field, formally appointed by the Halal certification body or Halal food authority. Growing fast and getting market share without adapting the market changes is no longer an option for halal businesses. Thus, human capital development is a significant ingredient to economic growth to drive these changes.
This course is designed to help the industries involved with Halal
and lawful requirements to achieve the standards set and implement lawful purposes within the scope of their work, such as food and beverages, pharmaceutical, transportation and other industries.
Halal Auditor Course is vital in accommodating the authorities
requirements, particularly in the related industries. This course is
developed for those who are interested in becoming a recognized Halal Lead Auditor. As a result, participant will be able to conduct compliance and surveillance audits in accordance with the Moslem country Halal standard.
The course segments will cover several topics including
fundamental principles of Shariah and its requirements as prescribed in the Halal standards, Halal audit process and procedures, preparation of halal audit checklist, value based management and technical components related to halal.
The Halal industry includes foods, beverages, and all matters of
routine life. Halal foods encompass a broad range of products
including meat, processed foods, pharmaceuticals, non-and nonfood items such as cosmetics. Unprecedented growth in the global halal industry creates opportunities for Halal auditors in different segments of industry.
The fragmented nature of the global Halal certification industry
results in a lack of uniformity in Halal certifications around the
world. However, our Certified Halal Auditor program is an attempt to overcome this challenge.
The IBS International Board of Standards Halal Auditor course
gives an advanced level of understanding about auditing practices for Halal products, and this will prepare the Halal Auditor professionals that will lead the organization towards global world and competitive market places with the development of human capital development one of the important aspects for business survival. Managing businesses in the ever-expanding Halal market against the backdrop of uncertainty in social, political and economic aspects necessitate the continuous updates of skill sets and qualifications such as with competent Halal Lead Auditor.
The IBS® certification process, administered by International Board of Standards identifies to the public that those individuals who have been authorized to use the IBS® certification marks in the globe have met rigorous professional standards and have agreed to adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, fairness, confidentiality, professionalism and diligence when dealing with clients.
Mengapa kita perlu untuk mengikuti pelatihan?
Peningkatan Keterampilan dan Pengetahuan
Pelatihan membantu kita meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan dalam bidang tertentu. Ini bisa mencakup keterampilan teknis, manajerial, atau bahkan keterampilan interpersonal.
Validasi Kompetensi
Sertifikasi menyediakan validasi eksternal atas kemampuan dan pengetahuan kita dalam suatu bidang. Ini memberikan bukti nyata kepada majikan atau klien bahwa kita memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan.
Peningkatan Karir
Sertifikasi dapat membuka pintu untuk peluang karir baru atau promosi di tempat kerja. Banyak perusahaan memprioritaskan karyawan yang memiliki sertifikasi relevan dalam proses rekrutmen dan promosi.
Memiliki sertifikasi dapat meningkatkan kredibilitas kita di mata pelanggan, rekan kerja, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kita memiliki kompetensi yang diakui secara luas dalam bidang kita.