This training will offer an overview and implementation of
Project Management. The course is designed is based on the
perspective of improving project delivery, which is one
metric of a Project Management success; and practically it
is an important measure.
The industry that have implemented Project Management
need to ensure the Project Management is providing
expected results, and adding value to the business. This
course will provide strategies and tactics to enable process
improvement for a currently established project
management procedure in the organization executing
The training shall provide the capabilities to the participants
in determining how best to use the Project Management
methodology for organization advantage, and how to
develop and use a competency model for project
professionals involving in the projects.
Discover methods to implement the typical project
management and the specific functions which should be
performed as related to project implementation.
Assess the maturity of your project management team and
recognize its contribution to professional responsibility in
project management.
The training is built around a series of consecutive
structured lectures, class exercises, and class discussions
with the perspectives of project management.
The scope of the course includes discussion of the
components of the Project Management Knowledge
including: Recognize critical characteristics of a PM team to
foster organizational success in implementing the projects ,
prevent runaway projects, conduct a project audit , perform
a competency analysis, identify key roles and
responsibilities in project implementation, prepare a Project
Charter, conduct an project implementation assessment,
establish metrics for gauging and monitoring performance,
develop a project implementation plan, use the project
management best practices to promote professional
responsibility as related to the PMO organization functions
and services.
Mengapa harus management risiko
Peningkatan Keterampilan dan Pengetahuan
Pelatihan membantu kita meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan dalam bidang tertentu. Ini bisa mencakup keterampilan teknis, manajerial, atau bahkan keterampilan interpersonal.
Validasi Kompetensi
Sertifikasi menyediakan validasi eksternal atas kemampuan dan pengetahuan kita dalam suatu bidang. Ini memberikan bukti nyata kepada majikan atau klien bahwa kita memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan.
Peningkatan Karir
Sertifikasi dapat membuka pintu untuk peluang karir baru atau promosi di tempat kerja. Banyak perusahaan memprioritaskan karyawan yang memiliki sertifikasi relevan dalam proses rekrutmen dan promosi.
Memiliki sertifikasi dapat meningkatkan kredibilitas kita di mata pelanggan, rekan kerja, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kita memiliki kompetensi yang diakui secara luas dalam bidang kita.
- Definisi Earned Value Management
- Prinsip dalam Earned Value Management
- Keunggulan Earned Value Management
Rp. 9.800.00
Rp. 8.800.000